Sunday, December 18, 2011

You're In Love, Really?

"I'm in love!"

Do you really know what those words truly mean?

Crushes, Puppy Loves, Infatuation, & Attraction, I understand. . But Love? Do you really know what it means? What is the basis of your so-called-love? How sure are you that you understand what it means? Where did you see it? In movies? in commercials? in fictional storybooks? in magazines? in songs? Wake up. We live in reality. We don't live in music videos nor in movies nor in fictional books. We live, we breathe, face reality.

I've been searching on the real meaning of love.

What does it really mean to fall in love. Is it just mere feelings? Is it just the mere feeling of wanting that certain someone to be always around? Is it just all those sweet talks and mushy moments? Is it just the mere gifts, roses, dinners, teddy bears and such? Or is something deeper than that? Cause if this is just the basis of your so-called-love, I think that's what you call puppy love or infatuation. Not love.

You feel that you can't live without that certain person? You just feel that you have to live with that person as soon as possible? You feel that you have to give your everything for that special one or maybe you feel like you have to give your all right now before it's too late? You feel that no one else matters, just that one person, or maybe you feel that you can't do anything at all anymore without that person? You call that love? I'm sorry, but I see it as obsession, I see it as immaturity.

I am not saying that having all these feelings are wrong, but if these are your BASIS of your so-called-love, better think about it again. I know all of these 'cause I've felt those things, but i still end up asking myself at the end of the day, is this what you call love? Is this the real meaning of falling in love? It feels shallow. It's beautiful. But it's shallow.

What does it mean to be really in love?

Isn't love all about sacrifice and trust and loyalty and maturity? Isn't love all about giving up that special someone at the moment because you know it's not yet the right time? Isn't love all about waiting, waiting on the perfect timing to give your all, your everything, your purity? Isn't love all about smelling the roses and having that assurance that he or she would never leave you, because you're not just "one of the choices"? Isn't love all about an undivided heart? Isn't love all about sacrifice that if he or she doesn't love you, you won't hold bitterness nor would you force yourself in their hearts, because you love them? Isn't love all about being sure that he or she is the one for you and that is why you're engaging in a relationship and you're not just "trying" it out? Isn't love all about pureness, innocence, patience, truth, loyalty, right timing, pure passion, maturity, and sacrifice? Or has media, music, books stained that truth in your hearts? You call these things unrealistic? Wake up from your fairytale please.

What does it mean to be in love?

I truly can't tell yet. I really couldn't. All i know is, it's deeper than what it seems. It's not all smiles and frowns, its about tear and joys, but most of all, it's about sacrifice. Not sacrifice against your loved ones or families, but sacrifice within your own heart. Without maturity, you will never enjoy the true essence of love; you'll miss the greatest gift God could ever show you. Just because you couldn't wait, you couldn't hold back, you couldn't control, you don't listen, you don't take it seriously, you don't understand what that term "love" truly means. Understand that just because you can afford a ring, doesn't mean you can afford to be matured in love.

If you're ready to fall in love, be sure that you know what it truly means.

If you don't, you might just get yourself in a vicious cycle of jumping from one shallow relationship to another and break your heart endlessly and when that time comes when that person for you comes, you give a heart that is all tired and broken and undivided.

Feel love at its truest form, in it's truest gift by growing up and denying yourself. Say those three little words, I love you, in a deeper and meaningful way, don't lose the chance to say it in real form. Mind you, words have power. Say it right, say it true, say it at perfect timing.

(Art By