Friday, September 11, 2009

Little Miracles

A happy bright day.

The day came out perfect. I was happy, joyful. I had fun at work, had fun with my friends. It seemed like a perfect day, nothing could ever go wrong at all; well that's what i thought until the sun came down and evening greeted me with a dark cloud.

My eyes turned from white to red. Tears ran down my cheeks like crazy. I couldn't control the tears, the biting of my lips, the pain... Someone stole my cellphone. The cell that i just got a week ago. The cell that was the newest one of my moms', into which she gave me with no interest at all, zero percent, nada, it was her gift to me. The cell where my sim, since i was in high school, was in. The cell were I could contact my friends in no other way. The cell were i had my number which I've memorized over all these years... The cell which had the accessory I dreamt of giving my future one.

It wasn't just the ordinary cellphone. It was shiriel's cellphone.

Some people told me to just get a new one, get a new number, get a new phone, email all my friends. But they don't understand. It's just not that easy. That cell was given to me by my mom. Imagine, it's the newest cellphone of my mom and she gave it just for me! Then next thing she knows, it got stolen. That number was my identity in a certain degree. It was mine. My name is embedded all over that number. I just can't move on, but i know i could with God.

I was hurt, i could've blamed God, but rather i did something else.

The first thing i had in mind was God. I talked to Him, told Him to help me. Told Him how important that cell was to me. I cried and cried until i got in my room and brawled to God how much it hurts. I know it's just an object, but the thought behind that cell, the memory behind that cell, is the thing that makes it important and irreplaceable. I cried in great tears, i cried even harder when i felt God's presence in my room. He was there, He knew how i felt, He stayed with me. I cried and cried until i got tired.

I was blank. I didn't know what to do next. I didn't felt like sleeping.

It was almost morning and I didn't want to sleep. I talked to God... a thought came into my mind saying "Why didn't your God give your cell back? blame it all to Him, it was His fault, He let your cell get lost." but rather than listen to that voice... i praised God. I praised God even if it hurts so much. Why? because i just know He has a purpose. In every shortcoming i do, He replaces them with blessings into which i call little miracles. I was hurt but excited at the same time. I know God is always in control and it's only Him who could change my tears in great joy.

I sang and sang, even if the painful tears fell on my cheeks once again.

I felt Him. Its as if He wiped my tears, coz all of a sudden i smiled. I was happy and in pain. I smiled and thanked God for the future i couldn't see. Then i thought about why my cell got lost. I thought maybe its because I'm giving it more importance that God. That maybe its what i look for first early in the morning rather than Him. I didn't want that neither. I don't want anything that comes in between me and God. If i had to choose between my cell, my friends and God? Heh, it's too obvious to even try and weight it down. Or maybe i thought, that God would want to give me a better cell, a new number for a symbol of a new start; or maybe, God wanted me to think, to depend on Him.

This circumstance, this loss, made me think a lot.

The next morning i still couldn't believe i lost my cell. I knew that i was still depressed because i felt like wasting all my money. Good thing God helped me control it! I focused on my work, I was happy that day, at the same time sad deep within. Whenever i remember my cell, I pray to God and say "God is in control". I kept praying asking God to return my cell. I know how impossible it can be, but i just had my faith on that prayer, so i never stopped praying. (Now that I said this... I DO know how to pray in faith! haha i thought i didn't). I was happy that day, I was at peace. I was in God's hands.

Then suddenly a message on my other cell came in. It's my dad.

I had to read his message twice before it sank in. The person who got my cell, communicated back through my dad's cell. Saying he'll return my cell. I was in awe. I was surprised. If i could jump for joy at that moment i would, but i was in front of my boss. I couldn't believe it. The impossible became possible. I thanked God like crazy!!!!! haha. I was over joyed! I felt like i was in a dream! GOD IS IN CONTROL! i couldn't contain my joy! i sang, i worked harder with my work and couldn't wait till night came and get my cell back with my dad.

God is in control.

SO many things happened. I realized so many things. Yesterday my cellphone got stolen, Today I got it back. Amazing. Simply amazing. Now my cellphone is on my hands again. I contacted my friends and they were happy and surprised as well. God is amazing. He's just amazing. No prayer (IN FAITH) is never in vain.

I am so amazed. His grace, His love, His ways.

The time that my cellphone got lost, i realized a lot of things. One is, maybe God was testing me, and He knew i would pass. I realized just now how important God really is in my life, how i've matured and grown all these years.I realized that I have been depending on Him. It's such a lie that i thought my spiritual life is down. No it's not. It's actually getting stronger. The time my cell got lost, i realized that it's only God that matters, that God is my best friend, that God is with me, that God is alive in my life, that God is in control. Two, that in every darkness, problem, crisis in my life, i can praise God. If i could praise God in the smallest problems of life, what more in the bigger things of life?:) Everything starts from the smallest things. I've proven in myself that praising God in times of pain, suffering and every dark part of my life, changes a lot in me. Praising God at those times makes me realized so many things, makes me feel His soft touch and great and awesome love. It's really true that God is near to the broken-hearted.

God. I couldn't express myself more.

I could just go on and on and on about His love. I am just so amazed. He tested me, and i became stronger. I felt Him more than ever. God's ways are just soo amazing. This happening will be a part of my testimony. How God works in the most unexpected ways. From tears to great joy. From doubt to great faith! From pity to great confidence in Him. He's just so amazing. It's as if he poured alcohol on a big wound of mine. It hurts like crazy but heals fast with no scars.

The little miracles of life, are indeed the greatest of them all. The little miracles of life, that tells us that there is still hope for this world. The little miracles of life that tells us that God is in control. The little miracles of life that tells us to live. The little miracles of life that shows God's great love in this itty bitty world. The little miracles of life that inspires us. The little miracles of life that makes our hearts go lalala and makes our smiles reach our ears. God. grah. He's just so cool. x)

"He gives and takes away, still my heart will choose to say, blessed be the name of the Lord."

Yeah i got my cellphone back, but what i learned from this situation, this happening, this circumstance is far more priceless and far more memorable and irreplaceable. :)

God is always in control ^_^

(Art By

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