Thursday, November 17, 2011

When People Care

When people care, you just can't help but be inspired.

It touches the inner core of your heart; especially when it's least expected? Yeah, it touches the heart like no other. :)

A simple message, or a simple "how are you, I'm here for you," does a lot of wonders. I actually forgot about the power of these words, "How are you?" or "Are you okay?" and "I'm here for you." Those are such simple basic words, but when said at the lowest, loneliest or discouraged point of a person, it creates such a wonderful impact in their hearts and lives. Sometimes even in their whole future.

Two people reminded me of my vision and my aim in my works. They simply asked how I was in a very low point of my artistic life and boy, did they touch something really deep. It's like the shiny vision of mine that sunk in the mud of discouragements and failures were dug out with their simple words and act of care. They did nothing but send me an e-mail and my writing went back as well as my vibe to stand up and enjoy art.

There are so many miracles in this life and one of them is encouraging a certain individual in the most perfect time.

It's as if God whispered in their ears how one person is so down, and they responded immediately despite their busy schedule. :)

So, if somebody pops up in your head, you know, someone you don't think of daily, they maybe an old friend, an acquaintance, your boss, your mother or father, or anyone, why not drop them a call of even an e-mail. A simple "How are you?" can do wonders. Believe me, it's true. The fact that I am writing again is a sure clear proof that it works in the most amazing ways. :)

OH! and also, you can add some encouragement, like how you remember what good they've done to you! Believe me, it might gather up some joyful tears. :) Knowing that you've done good to somebody at your lowest point, can create a full degree turn in their hearts and perspective. :)

The power of encouragement. Live it. Grab it. Share it. You'll touch lives like no other in a simple but grandeur way. <3

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